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The Legend Staff
Milangi De Silva, Yenira Nunez, Andrea Ovalle, Isaiah Morales, Cody McCormack, Edgar Gonzalez, Paula Abarca, Naomy Gutierrez, Maeloni Fulp, Kelsey Newton, Mr. Garcia
An Introduction
Paper is boring. So boring in fact that when Robert Garcia was offered to take over the dying Legend newspaper, he said, "I'm going to make it a magazine, because there's nothing more teenagers like than looking at glossy pictures of themselves." Tired of seeing papers in the trash, Mr. Garcia leaped into action and created what we now know as The Legend. Beginning in the 2011-2012 school year, he and his staff of students accomplished the impossible and made a successful glossy magazine we could be proud of. "It's a combination of Times and Rolling Stones," says Mr. Garcia. After the success of the first year, Mr. Garcia proposed to teach a Magazine/Design class which would produce The Legend. Now we are happy to say that The Legend is now produced by a class of over 20 students instead of the 10 that met after schools Tuesdays and Thursdays. Our high school magazine is the only one of its kind produced in our district and the Central Coast area, which is something we are very proud of.

The Legend is also a great class because we aren't just making a magazine. We, the students, are learning how to write, how to design, how to work as a team and how to interact with new people to promote the magazine by selling advertisements. The magazine is just a bi-product of all of the things we are really learning in the class and we hope you like it as much as we do.

Welcome to The Legend!

​ -The Legend Staff
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